TIRAD s.r.o. has set up an internal reporting channel in accordance with the Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the Protection of Whistleblowers since December 15, 2023.
- 1. Designation of the designated person
TIRAD has appointed a designated person for within the meaning of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the Protection of Whistleblowers:
Ivana Průšová
tel.: +420 720 061 845
e-mail: ,
- 2. Reporting methods
Reports can be submitted:
- Online, via the group’s Online Concern Portal
- By telephone via the reporting hotline International-Reporting-Hotlines (+800 400 134 for Czech Republic)
Both reporting channels can be used anonymously, provided this is permitted by local law. If you do so, please provide as much as detailed information that enable us to conduct an investigation.
- By reporting in person to the Designated Person
- By submitting a report to the Ministry of Justice, which operates an external whistleblowing system. More information can be found on
- 3. Who can report a concern:
TIRAD takes all incidents and allegations seriously, regardless of whether they are raised by employees, business partners, affected parties or other third parties.
- 4. What types of concerns can the procedure be used for?
The procedure is intended for concerns regarding potential risks or violations of the law, the company’s Code of Ethical Business Conduct, or a company policy.
- 5. What are the procedural steps in reporting a concern?
After receipt of a concern, the concern raiser will receive an acknowledgement of receipt and a contact person for further communication within seven days. The concerns are forwarded to a team of experts in our Compliance department for further review and investigation.
The team of experts will conduct an initial preliminary investigation to determine whether there is sufficient evidence of an actual risk or violation. If necessary, the expert team will seek further information from the concern raiser.
If the concerns are valid, further investigative steps may be taken to ascertain the facts. If an incident is confirmed, appropriate remedial and preventive measures will be taken. After the implementation of any remedial measures, the concern raiser shall be informed of the results. This is usually done within three months after confirmation of receipt (investigation duration may vary from case to case). A detailed explanation of the results is not provided if the Compliance department at TIRAD or Hillenbrand is prohibited from doing so for legal, official, or practical reasons.
- 6. Protection against retaliation
All information provided by the concern raiser, in particular the identity, will be treated confidentially in accordance with legal requirements. TIIRAD will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who reports a concern in good faith or against anyone who participates in an investigation. If you believe you have been retaliated against or have witnessed retaliation, report it immediately through the concern channels provided.